How to Avoid Sensitive Teeth
Posted on 3/22/2015 by Tom Bierman |
If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you understand the pain and discomfort that can come from eating foods or drinks that are hot or cold. Luckily, with the help of the dentists at San Diego Dental Studio and by following these great tips, you will be able to avoid having to deal with sensitive teeth.
Easy BrushingWhen you are brushing your teeth, try to avoid using too much force. Brushing too hard could cause the enamel to wear off, which causes sensitive teeth. Instead, use a soft toothbrush and a gentle touch for best results. This will still allow you to remove food particles and bacteria but will keep your teeth from becoming sensitive.
Avoid Acidic Food and DrinksFood and drinks such as limes, oranges, lemons, energy drinks, and sodas are full of acid that could be eroding the enamel on your teeth and making them more acidic. Avoid these as much as possible in order to protect the enamel, which is your protector from any type of pain occurring to your teeth.
Use FluorideUse a mouthwash and toothpaste that contains fluoride; this material is great for strengthening your enamel and keeping your teeth strong. It is used to resist bacteria and can neutralize the acid in your foods when it touches your teeth. You can also obtain fluoride from the water that you drink as well as at our office during your routine appointments.
Avoid GrindingGrinding your teeth also wears your enamel down. If you do grind your teeth there are several ways that we can help you stop. We can then help repair the damaged enamel, allowing you to put an end to your sensitive teeth.
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