Replacing Teeth: What are my Options?
Posted on 5/26/2015 by Tom Bierman |
Having to replace a tooth because it was knocked out, fell out, or cracked and was unsalvageable, can be a kick in someone's self-esteem. Permanent teeth are meant to stay in your mouth permanently, but that doesn't always happen.
Due to the advancement in technology within the dental fields, there are three options in replacing teeth and each of them fits into a specific need or situation. These options include replacing a single tooth, replacing several teeth that are singled out in your mouth, or replacing the full set of teeth.
Replacing a Single ToothReplacing a tooth is a serious matter and should be dealt with immediately in order to keep your smile brightly shining. When a single tooth has fallen out or goes missing, the most common option is a bridge. Bridges are designed specifically for replacing single teeth that are no longer there to support the teeth around them.
The bright side of receiving a bridge is that none of the other teeth, besides the ones directly beside the gap, are affected by it. With most things, there is a downfall. The two teeth directly beside the gap are forever altered by a process called contouring. Each tooth that will be involved in the bridge must have a crown placed on top of them. Before the crowns are placed, the teeth must undergo contouring.
Replacing Several Teeth that are Singled OutMissing one tooth is a horrible feeling, but having more than one that is gone, and in different locations, can be devastating to your personal appearance and your shining smile. There are procedures that can help with replacing the teeth that have fallen out and have left separate gaps in your teeth. The best method for filling separate gaps is a dental implant.
Many people will shy away from implants because they require the patient to undergo surgery. During the surgery, the patient will have a titanium post implanted into the gums and bone where the gap is located. This post will be responsible for supporting the implanted tooth. Although they may seem painful and have a recovery period that can be uncomfortable, implants do not affect the teeth that surround them. They stand alone and can hold for years without moving or slipping. This procedure is recommended for patients who are suffering from separation gaps.
Replacing the Full Set of TeethPeople who suffer from gum disease or experience deteriorating teeth normally opt into getting a full set of dentures because having half of them pulled and gaps all in the teeth between the good teeth that are left can cause an uneasy feeling and a hassle when cleaning if a partial was given.
There are two main options of dentures to choose from, the type that you can remove, clean, and insert, and the type that is permanently fixed to the roof of your mouth. Both of these types can benefit the person wearing them in the same ways. The main goal of dentures is to give the patient a boost of confidence knowing that their smile is just as bright as it was before. They do not need the support of other teeth in the mouth nor do they require teeth to be left in the mouth that may later become weakened.
Out of these three methods there may be the inclusion of tooth removal to benefit the patient. The dentist will inform you on whether or not other teeth in your mouth are also infected, deteriorating, or need removal.
For more help with tooth replacement and choosing the best possible method for your situation, please call our office today at (858) 457-4100. We look forward to helping you with all of your dental needs.
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