Dental Bridges
Dental Bridges are a non-removable dental device that joins an artificial tooth, sometimes multiple artificial teeth, between two fixed teeth, filling the gap of missing teeth. The two fixed teeth can be natural teeth or dental implants. This is a traditional method to replace missing teeth. Dr. Bierman, Dr. Ma, and Dr. Summerhays will discuss with you the best option for your particular situation.
Dental bridges are highly durable and will last many years, 15 years is not an uncommon occurrence, with proper home care.
Reasons for a Fixed Dental Bridge
There are many reasons you would want to fill in that gap with a Fixed Dental Bridge, including:
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Restore Your Smile - Smile with confidence, you have a beautiful, healthy smile. |
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Fill The Space of Missing Teeth - Gaps cause more damage than you realize, eventually the bone will atrophy in that location due to the lack of stimulation from chewing. |
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Maintain Your Facial Shape - Due to bone atrophy, patients with missing teeth will have an older appearance to their face. |
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Prevent Teeth From Moving - Your remaining teeth can shift out of position. When there is a gap there is room for movement in your teeth. |
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Restore Chewing & Speaking Ability - This is affected from missing teeth. |
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Upgrade A Partial Denture - If you have a removable partial denture you can upgrade it to a permanent dental appliance. |
Fixed Dentures
Dental Bridges usually require two or more office visits in our San Diego Office.
After you have been numbed, our dentist prepare the two anchoring teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow for a crown. Next, we take an impression, or mold, which will be sent to the dental laboratory where the bridge will be created. We will have a temporary bridge for you to be worn until your next appointment.
When we have received your custom bridge, we will contact you for an appointment to carefully check, adjust, and cement the permanent bridge so as to achieve a proper fit and comfortable bite.
Before leaving, you will receive care instructions, we will discuss proper brushing and flossing for this new device and discuss the importance of regular dental visits to aid in the life of your new permanent bridge.
New Patient Special
$249 New Patient Special: Includes x-rays, initial cleaning, comprehensive exam and photos. Does not include periodontal therapy (deep cleaning) if necessary due to periodontal disease. Some restrictions may apply. - Contact our office.
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