Can my Dead Tooth be Saved?
When you experience severe trauma to your mouth that results in a cracked or fractured tooth, the chances are good that the tooth could die. This happens when the pulp of your tooth is exposed and suffers trauma from injury or when excessive decay or infection occurs. Luckily, a root canal can typically save the roots, allowing you to keep your tooth and avoid its removal and replacement with a fake tooth.
The Root Canal Saves the Tooth A root canal is a method where we get to the roots of the tooth, clean them out, remove the decayed and dead material. This process entails removing any decayed nerve tissue and other bacteria that is in the way of getting to the pulp. Once the pulp is accessible, it is thoroughly cleaned and the area is then sealed. In the event that infection has taken over the area, the roots might need to be medicated, in which case a temporary filling will be placed in order to allow access to the area at a second appointment, when the tooth can then be permanently filled.
If the top of the tooth was damaged, a dental crown might be necessary in order to provide your natural tooth with the stability that it needs. If a weak, fractured tooth is left on its own, it could cause more damage for you in the future. The crown, on the other hand, allows you to keep your natural tooth without requiring a bridge or 'fake tooth.'
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