A tooth extraction is a procedure that we perform to remove a tooth that is damaged beyond repair. Extractions are generally classified as either a simple, non-surgical or surgical, which involves cutting through the gums. Occasionally, a simple procedure can quickly become a surgical procedure if the tooth fractures or refuses to loosen under pressure.
A Dental Implant is a titanium metal implant designed to replace missing teeth. This device is surgically placed into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. Our dental team at San Diego Dental Studio can give you more information and let you know if this is a good option for you. Unlike a dental bridge, an implant is permanent.
New Patient Special
$249 New Patient Special: Includes x-rays, initial cleaning, comprehensive exam and photos. Does not include periodontal therapy (deep cleaning) if necessary due to periodontal disease. Some restrictions may apply. - Contact our office.
"The staff at San Diego Dental Studio were so courteous and helpful to me during my visit to their office. Dr. Bierman was very kind and answered all my questions."
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San Diego Dental Studio, 6635 Flanders Dr, Suite E, San Diego, CA 92121-2978, (858) 457-4100, sandiegodentalstudio.com, 1/11/2025, Related Terms: Dentist San Diego CA,