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What's the Difference Between Waxed and Unwaxed Floss?

Differences in flossFlossing your teeth is a crucial component of your oral health care routine. Your San Diego Studio doctors recommend that you floss your teeth at least once a day, along with brushing two times a day. Flossing helps to remove the food that might be stuck in between your teeth and that your toothbrush is unable to reach. If the proper flossing techniques are not used, plaque could be left in between your teeth, which eventually turns into tartar which can lead to gingivitis. When you floss, you have the option of waxed and unwaxed floss; how do you know which one is right for you?

Waxed Floss
Waxed floss is generally considered easier to use because it glides easily between your teeth. This is especially true for those that have retainers or other dental devices in their mouth that interfere with the floss. Waxed floss very rarely gets caught on anything and can easily clean in between your teeth.

Unwaxed Floss
Unwaxed floss typically does not have any flavor and tends to be thinner than waxed floss. This can be beneficial for those that have a crowded mouth or for those that have a hard time keeping waxed floss intact. Because this floss does not have the waxy covering, it frays very easily and will usually break into multiple fibers after contact with your teeth. This can help to remove more plaque at one time, which is beneficial for your oral health.

The main focus on flossing should be the technique that you use rather than the type. Whether you prefer waxed or unwaxed floss, you should make sure that you are using it at least once a day in order to reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth.

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